Snake game in Visual LISP (two snake-games in.

Rubix/K4kube - playable Rubik's cube in AutoLISP (by K4 CAD Solutions) Rubik's Cube - the famous puzzle in AutoCAD (LSP) RotBy - rotate blocks by the rotation of an existing block (LSP for AutoCAD) Piškvorky - Tic-Tac-Toe game for Inventor 2017-2019+, free, by CAD Studio MineSweeper3D - free minesweeper game for Autodesk Inventor 2013/2012 32/64-bit Mine Sweeper game for AutoCAD (miny) by J.P.Sanders MAZE - maze generator in VisualLISP, CLISP mod, orig. GrumpyBlocks - Angry-Birds-like game for AutoCAD 2013/2014 64-bit (by C.Janson, AU2012)Ĭhristmas tree (3D) in AutoCAD (XMAS routines by J.Uhden and D.Rudolph)

pro Vault Basic (CS+)īattle Ship game for AutoCAD (hra Lodì) by J.P.Sandersīrain Exception - demonstration of Motion Induced Blindness in AutoCAD (unhandled exception in your brain) PartNumberGenerator - sekvenèní èíslování souèástí, napø. Wienerberger Revit library - parametric RFA families for Revit 2010 (Lintel, MIAKO, slabs) - see also Systémy Rigips - elektronický katalog/aplikace sádrokartonových prvkù pro Revit 2014 (BIM Project) Material library Sherwin-Williams Loxon/Harmony/ProIndustrial - paints, for AutoCAD/Inventor/Revit/Fusion360 (.adsklib) Material library Sherwin-Williams DurationHome - paints, for Revit (.adsklib)

Material library (.adsklib+textures) for the BIM library PERITO (by BIMproject, see ) Material library (.adsklib+textures) for the BIM library MRAMOROVY EFEKT (by BIMproject, see )