Here he joined the Harrow Rifle Corps - Took 3 tries to pass the exam for the British Royal Military College - Wrote a book called London to Ladysmith Winston Churchill Winston Churchill By: Taylor Wynn-Skalet Childhood World War II - 1900 member of Parliament - Supporter of social reform -1908 he was President of the Board of Trade - introduced first minimum wage - fixed prison systems - made programs for unemployed - 1919- 1922 served as a minister of war and air - 1929 out of government and -published A History of English Speaing People. Born on Novermber 30th 1874 - Grew up in Dublin, Ireland - Did poorly in two schools before he when to Harrow boarding school. He also led his country from almost a defeat to victory. He brought the British people together during WWII.

Transcript: Prime minister of the United Kingdom.